Internal Communication Booklet – SPDL

About the project

SPDL is a company of Grupo Folha and Estadão, responsible for newspaper distribution to subscribers and newsstands.

To provide new employees with important information about the company and the delivery work, SPDL needed a booklet and approached us for this project. We developed an easily readable and understandable material, creating the character ‘Zé da Hora,’ a friendly figure with which the company’s internal audience could easily relate. The entire communication of the booklet revolved around the character, featuring illustrations of Zé da Hora in various situations of the delivery drivers’ daily life.

Since then, we have been creating all communication materials for SPDL, including banners, posters, newsletters, invitations, calendars, and Christmas cards. The creation of the character Zé da Hora was so successful that it became a prominent figure in all of the company’s internal communication materials.

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