
The use of videos has exploded, moving beyond the realms of entertainment and advertising to conquer the corporate world. There’s a vast array of formats and purposes, including corporate videos, tutorials, training sessions, portfolio presentations, and more.

These formats can be employed on Corporate TVs, intranets, internal events, or even distributed through corporate websites, social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), and even via WhatsApp.

Aldeia Comunicação has been perfecting its video production services for its clients, ranging from studio shoots to 2D animations and videos featuring photos and simple motion graphics. We have success stories with clients such as Aliansce Sonae, Rede D’Or, and surprisingly, even with Rede Globo.

We support our clients throughout the entire process, from scriptwriting, storyboarding, animation, and soundtrack creation/selection to video shooting and editing.

Explore our services below and feel free to reach out for any inquiries or to request a quote via chat or WhatsApp.